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What do you need to know to pass the Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam? Messaging, Desktop & App Streaming, Security & Identity, Management Tools, Storage, Databases, Networking & Content Delivery, Compute, AWS Global Infrastructure


  1. Developer Associate
  2. Solutions Architect Associate
  3. Sysops Administrator Associate
  4. Security Specialty
  5. Big Data Specialty
  6. Devops Pro
  7. Advanced Networking Specialty
  8. Solutions Architect Professional Hard
Partner Associate Certs Professional Certs
Standard 2 0
Advanced 4 2
Premier 20 8

Domain 1: Design Secure Architectures 30% Domain 2: Design Resilient Architectures 26% Domain 3: Design High-Performing Architectures 24% Domain 4: Design Cost-Optimized Architectures 20%

Which statement best describes a Region? A physical location around the world comprised of multiple, isolated, and physically separate Availability Zones within a geographic area.

Which one of the following items is NOT managed by AWS, according to the shared responsibility model? Customer data

Geographic Regions (22) choosing a region depends on compliance, proximity, available services, and pricing

Availability Zones (69)

AZ forms regions

Data centers

point of presence - Edge Location are data centers that are owned by a trusted partner of AWS

some services are based on regions and some are global

transaction per second (TPS) average rate (AvgRT)

The 6 Pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework

  1. Operational excellence
  2. Security
  3. Reliability
  4. Performance efficiency
  5. Cost optimization
  6. Sustainability

Well-Architected Infrastructure

  • Reliable
  • Fault tolerance
  • High availability
  • Durability
  • Secure
  • Performant
  • Cost-effective
  • Operationally excellent
  • Monitored
  • Automated
  • Effective processes

make reversible changes perform business as operations as code anticipate failures learn from operational failures Shared Responsibility Model apply security at all layers automate security best practices keep people away from data automatically recover from failure test recovery procedures implement Cloud Financial Management adopt a Consumption Model

AWS is responsible for “security of the cloud” Customer is responsible for the “security in the cloud”

Scale cube

Three-Tier Architecture

  • Load Balancing tier
  • Application tier
  • Database tier

  • Internet access
  • Isolation & security
  • High-Availability

Security, Identity & Compliance


What is the single best thing you can do to secure the root account in AWS? Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Why is it dangerous to use the AWS root user account? The root user account has full permissions to every service.

Identity and Access Management A global service

Users and groups Permissions, can be assigned JSON documents called policies Principle of least privilege

Policies best to apply policies to groups rather than users, so that users can just inherit permissions from groups


IAM Policy Documents -> Group -> Users Policy Documents are in JSON

You use usernames and passwords to log into the console but you use access key ID and secret access keys to use AWS via API and command line

explicit deny, a deny that will override any allow policy

SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management)

Shield Advanced

  • protect AWS resource that is internet-facing
  • enable layer 7 protection for CloudFlare and ALB resources by associating an AWS WAF
  • configure AWS WAF Rate Based Rules
  • configure proactive engagement to receive direct contact from AWS Shield Response Team (SRT)
  • configure CloudWatch alarms for Shield and WAF to receive notificcations when you are under attack



pure serverless solution

compute service function as a service useful for API hosting, event processing, etc.

  • no server to manage
  • autoscaling
  • pay as you go
  • performance
  • service integration
  • focus on code

cold start is an issue with serverless solutions (functions and containers) in general

the main issue is latency, so find a way to keep it warm

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

Which statement best defines Amazon EC2? It is a service that provides secure, resizable compute capacity in the cloud.

What is the purpose of an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)? It’s a template to create a new EC2 instance from.

When deploying an EC2 instance, where is the instance deployed by default? The default VPC

How many instances can run in a single Availability Zone for a spread placement group? 7

elastic compute cloud, provision server on demand

Nitro vCPU


ECS – elastic container service, Docker service

Cloud Development Kit (CDK)


open-source enables writing imperative code to generate declarative CloudFormation templates

CDK -> CloudFormation -> AWS (CDK does not create the actual resources itself)

Alternatively: CDK -> Terraform -> AWS

the root of CDK is the CDK app

  • App: no CloudFormation equivalent, App is a special root Construct, orchestrates the lifecycle of the Stacks and Resources within it
  • Stack: CloudFormation Stack
    • Nested Stack: CloudFormation Nested Stack
    • Construct: 1 (or more) CloudFormation Resources

can have multiple Apps, Apps can have multiple Stacks

the output of CDK is CloudFormation

App lifecycle: Construct -> Prepare -> Validate -> Synthesize -> Deploy

CDK Constructs:

  • Level 0: Basic Resource (no Type)
  • Level 1: CloudFormation Resource (1:1), prefixed with Cfn (CloudFormation)
  • Level 2: Improved L1
  • Level 3: Combinations of Constructs

cdk synth generates the CloudFormation Template by traversing the App tree and invokes the synthesize method on all constructs then generates unique IDs for Cfn resources

Assets are files bundled into CDK apps such as Lambda Handler Code, Docker Images, etc.

Assets can represent any artifact that the app needs to operate

When synthesize or deploy a CDK, these typically end up in cdk.out

`cdk bootstrap’ creates a S3 Bucket to store Assets, required for Assets and Cfn templates greater than 50 kB

Methods of all Constructs are called in series: prepare, validate, synthesize

CDK Pipelines - useful for CD/CI


lets you provision AWS Resources in Stacks

AWS Resources is anything that AWS offers (Lambda, S3, etc.)

A Stack is a collection of AWS Resources

Stack Templates are in YAML/JSON format and are declarative code



Simple Storage Service (S3)

Since S3 is an object-based storage solution, which type of file should never be stored in it? Operating system’s boot files

Why is versioning not enabled by default on new S3 buckets? It costs money, as you’ll be paying for every additional copy of objects that you upload.

One of the oldest service

Buckets, name is universal so good names are hard to come by

How the bucket URL is formed:

Key-Value Store, typically the key is the name of the file

Will also have version ID (different versions of the same object), metadata

Availability and durability, 99.99% availability and 99.99999999999% durability (11 9s)

Data is stored in multiple facilities (>=3 AZs)

Designed for frequent access

Security, Server-Side Encryption, ACLs, Bucket Policies

Consistenty Model, Strong Read-After-Write Consistency

Zero Disk Architecture - instead of writing to a storage server, write to S3; this way no management of storage server, all offloaded to AWS; useful if latency not a concern

Elastic Block Store (EBS)



EFS - Elastic File System

Amazon EFS is designed to provide massively parallel shared access to thousands of Amazon EC2 instances.

Glacier allows you to store single object in region distribution

Application Services


SNS – simple notification service

SES – simple email service

SQS – simple queue service


Cassandra/Mongo (on EC2)

Relational Database Service (RDS)

What should you do to scale out an RDS database that has a read-heavy workload? Add additional read replicas





Amazon Aurora is fully compatible with which of the following database engines? MySQL



Elasticsearch Service


EMR – Hadoop framework, ETL, big data use

Athena – analytics with SQL

Glue UI


AWS will start charging $4/month for IPv4 addresses

Biggest challenge in adopting IPv6 is ISP support and support for developer tools

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

  • Logically isolated network
    • Created per Account per Region
    • Spans a single region
    • Can use all AZs within one Region
    • Can peer with other VPCs
    • Internet and VPN gateways
    • Numerous security mechanism
    • 5 VPC per Region (soft limit)

When you create a VPC, you must specify a range of IPv4 addresses for the VPC in the form of a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)


  • Security via isolation
  • High-Availability
  • Fault-Tolerance
  • Performance

Create VPC, then create a subnet, then launch an EC2 inside the subnet

Create IGW (internet gateway) to allow communication between subnet and outside world, do so by attaching IGW to VPC (Directory Gateway)

Then create a route table

For database, create a new (private) subnet which will not have access to the IGW, then stick the database in the subnet

Multi-availability strategy for high availability

Create 2 new subnet, one private and public

Setup load balancer via Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)

Virtual private gateway (VPG) is an option


Network access control lists

Security groups


CodeCommit (deprecated)





Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

Lightsail – for simple virtual private server solution

CloudWatch Alarms



Cloud IDE

Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)

Which AWS service would you select to distribute web traffic between web-facing EC2 instances? Elastic Load Balancers

Elastic Beanstalk

For deploying webapps Test or development, not recommended for production

Web Environment

Single-Instance Env

Launches a single EC2 instance, an EIP is assigned to the EC2

Load Balanced Env

Launches EC2s behind an ELB managed by an ASG

Worker Environment

Creates a SQS queue, install the SQS daemon on the EC2 instances, and has ASG scaling policy which will add or remove instances based on the queue size

Deployment Policy

In-Place deployment is when deployment occurs within the environment, all deployment policies are In-Place.

All at once


Rolling deployment polices require an ELB so cannot be used with Single-Instance Web Environments.

Rolling with additional batch




Route 53


What is the purpose of DNS? DNS allows you to assign something that’s easy to remember to an IP address (e.g., —>

What is the Route 53 service? A service by AWS that allows you to route domain names using DNS.

What is a Route 53 health check? It’s a test that allows you to determine if your endpoint is online.

Secrets Manager

NAT gateways vs NAT instances

Management and Governance

Systems Manager


Amazon CloudWatch

Which tool would you use to monitor the CPU usage of an EC2 instance? CloudWatch

CloudWatch Events now part of EventBridge


ARN Amazon Resource Name

KMS Key Management Service