Arrays are contiguous
An array stores data sequentially, usually starting at 0 based index
Linear array or one dimensional array, static in size
Dynamic array and hash map are built on array
Fixed-size, elements located by index or address
- constant-time access
- space efficiency
- memory locality
- fixed size
- costly inserts and deletes
Rotated array simply means an array that has shifted to the right or left by a number of steps, the element from one end will move to the other end
Runtime Complexity
lookup \(O(1)\) fast lookup append \(O(1)\) fast append insert \(O(n)\) delete \(O(n)\)
Space Complexity
\[O(n)\]Dynamic Arrays
If a dynamic array is full, it copies its content to a larger array
Multidimensional Arrays
Multidimensional arrays are simply nested arrays that allow for multiple dimensions
Two Dimensional Array
Three Dimensional Array
Strings and arrays are often interchangeable