
Arrays are contiguous

An array stores data sequentially, usually starting at 0 based index

Linear array or one dimensional array, static in size

Dynamic array and hash map are built on array

Fixed-size, elements located by index or address


  1. constant-time access
  2. space efficiency
  3. memory locality


  1. fixed size
  2. costly inserts and deletes

Rotated array simply means an array that has shifted to the right or left by a number of steps, the element from one end will move to the other end

Runtime Complexity

lookup \(O(1)\) fast lookup append \(O(1)\) fast append insert \(O(n)\) delete \(O(n)\)

Space Complexity


Dynamic Arrays

If a dynamic array is full, it copies its content to a larger array


Multidimensional Arrays

Multidimensional arrays are simply nested arrays that allow for multiple dimensions

Two Dimensional Array

Three Dimensional Array


Strings and arrays are often interchangeable