Upgrading Drupal

Heads up, either add the following to an exclusion list or just be very careful not to delete these when upgrading:

  • /sites
  • /files (if applicable, the later versions should have /files in /sites so it’ll something like /sites/default/files)
  • .htaccess
  • robots.txt
  • sitemap.xml

Changing Domain

Don’t forget to backup files and database before doing anything. settings.php and exported / imported files must be modified to reflect the new domain environment. After that, just wait for domain propagation.

Backup Procedure

Files via ftp

  1. copy all of the files from the ftp server to local
  2. then keep the original name but remove the domain

Database via mysql

  1. login phpmyadmin
  2. click on db to backup
  3. click on export
  4. select all tables to backup
  5. make sure sql is checked, default settings are usually fine
  6. check save file as and hit go

using phpmyadmin is probably ok for small or medium sites, but not so for very big or very popular sites


For localhost, to import more than (Max: 2,048 KiB):

  1. ps aux | grep mysql
  2. mysql -S /opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock -u root -p sifer < sifer.sql
  3. Enter password when prompted.

Original temporary directory: /nfsn/content/drupalish/tmp

For nfs: mysql --host=DATABASE.db --user=USERNAME --password="PASSWORD" DATABASE < DATABASE.sql