“Linux poses a real challenge for those with a taste for late-night hacking (and/or conversations with God).” Matt Welsh
bash scripting
escaping restricted shell
Arch-based Debian-based
“A loop device is a pseudo (“fake”) device (actually just a file) that acts as a block-based device.”
“Linux Creator Linus Torvalds: I Love My MacBook Air!”
To disable desktop effects:
- Alt+Shift+F12 or
- compiz-config settings
Package manager vs dependency manager
Package manager manages for system
Dependency manager manages for projects
When building qemu, use: su -
Before using qemu, check to see if kqemu is there: ls -l /dev/kqemu
If not:
modprobe kqemu
chmod 666 /dev/kqemu
Create an image for qemu to work on:
qemu-img create image.img 10GB
To qemu the image: qemu image.img
qemu -cpu coreduo -m 1024 -usb -cdrom /dev/cdrom -boot d sif.img
kill -9
“It is a forceful way to kill/terminate a or set of processes.”
“This signal cannot be handled (caught), ignored or blocked.”
To copy a file from one server to another:
scp username@ipA:/path_to_file username@ipB:/path_to_file
To get current server’s domain name:
When told that the drive is still in use:
lsof /dev/cdrom
kill [pid]
(lsof is “list open files”)
To rip from optical to disk:
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/sif/???.iso bs=2048
To find desired program running:
ps aux | grep [???]
Find out how much space you have and how much space you are using:
df -h
(df is “display free disk space”)
To find the path to startx:
which startx
To make fwlogwatch easier to use:
cp -vp /usr/local/sbin/fwlogwatch /usr/bin/fwlogwatch
Make reading logs easier:
fwlogwatch /var/log/messages > /home/sif/messages
fwlogwatch /var/log/syslog > /home/sif/syslog
If you want to check your server’s current tracked connections, just run the following:
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_conntrack_count
If you want to adjust it, just run the following as root:
echo 123456 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_conntrack_max
It is better to use rsync with trial run than use diff for data comparison, dir1 is source:
rsync -av --dry-run dir1/ dir2/
Back up command, make sure the source is the only place you make changes to:
rsync -av --delete /home/sif/ /mnt/[usb?]/sif/
Syncing based on level (1 level):
rsync -av --delete --exclude="/*/" /home/sif/ /mnt/[usb?]/sif/
Syncing based on level (3 levels):
rsync -av --delete --exclude="/*/*/*/" /home/sif/ /mnt/[usb?]/sif/
Cataloging command:
ls -R > ls.txt
tree > tree.txt
Update the system time:
ntpdate && hwclock --systohc
Fixing flash problem, remove the one in:
Difference between rsync /exampleA/ /exampleB/
and rsync /exampleA /exampleB
: the difference is whether or not you want the folder itself
The steps I took to change empathy from FAT32 to ext3:
fdisk /dev/sdb
mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1
chown sif:sif /mnt/empathy
rsync -av --delete /mnt/source/ /mnt/empathy/
To see if there is any difference although it’s really not necessary with rsync:
diff -req /mnt/affinity/ /mnt/empathy/
Do smartctl for hard drives
modinfo works on actual modules, not aliased names:
cat /proc/sys/net/nf_conntrack
grep conntrack /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/modules.alias
Red Hat
Red Hat Package Manager (RPM)
- Red Hat Linux 7.2 (Engima; University of Illinois’ lab)
Amazon Linux
Other Flavors
- VectorLinux 4 (09/2004), 4.3 rc1, 4.3, 5.8 SOHO LIVECD A1, 5.8 SOHO (final), 5.9 SOHO preview
- Knoppix 3.x, 4.x
- SUSE Linux 9.x
- Damn Small Linux 4.x