Operating Systems I
- System Calls
- Processes
- File Systems
- Memory Management
- Virtual Memory
- Scheduling
- Threads
- Input/Output, I/O
- Deadlock
- Security
- Concurrency
- Interesting
Nowadays, OS have better support for networking. It used to be a nightmare and you had to write your own drivers in earlier days.
Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX)
System Calls
Provides the services of an operating system to user programs
If a program is made up of passive collection of instructions, then a process is the actual execution of those instructions
PID, process ID
pthreads, POSIX threads
Different default init system exists, such as: sinit systemd
PID 1 is usually what starts and shuts down the system
Inter-Process Communication (IPC)
“The collection of signals that are currently blocked is called the signal mask. Each process has its own signal mask.”
“A signal handler is special function (defined in the software program code and registered with the kernel) that gets executed when a particular signal arrives. This causes the interruption of current executing process and all the current registers are also saved.”
File Systems
block-oriented file system
File descriptors are simply integers that uniquely identifies an open file or a communication channel (like a pipe) for a specific process
It’s like a label used by a process to perform some operations (like read, write) on a file
- 0 for standard input (stdin)
- 1 for standard output (stdout)
- 2 for standard error (stderr)
Files have metadata
Memory Management
Virtual Memory
Implemented so that computer resources are balanced (load balancing), allows multiple users to share system resources, achieve a target quality of service
thundering herd problem
Benefits of multithreading operations: improved throughput full use of processors entire applications will not block because of one request minimized system resource usage because threads now require less overhead to create, maintain, and manage than a traditional process
thread pool, a software design pattern (for concurrency) also known as replicated workers or worker-crew model
A general rule to calculate total number of threads a CPU can handle:
A CPU without SMT (Simultaneous Multithreading, such as Hyperthreading) = 1 thread (1 core * 1 thread per core)
A CPU with SMT = 2 threads (1 core * 2 threads per core)
Input/Output, I/O
Blocking IO means that a thread cannot do anything more until the IO is fully received This means that you will need to wait for every IO request or open a thread per request
Non-blocking IO means an IO request is queued immediately and the function returns The actual IO is then processed at a later time by the kernel This means you can open multiple requests but the data will not be available until later Checking whether the data is available is probably the most complicated part
In majority of applications, IO blocking isn’t an issue When dealing with this, you’re dealing with performance
Polling (vs Interrupts)
Semaphore is a synchronization primitive using acquire and release functions. A semaphore manages an internal counter which is decremented by each acquire call and incremented by each release call. The counter can never go below zero. When release finds that it is zero, it blocks and wait until a thread calls release. It defaults to 1.
Terry A. Davis
“TempleOS is a 64 bit, non-preemptive multi-tasking, multi-cored, public domain, open source, ring-0-only, single address space, non-networked, PC operating system for recreational programming.”