
You need to make sure your setup allows for virtualization. Check your CPU manual.


qcow2 is qemu copy on write second version. qcow2 is good, use it.

Virtualization simplified:

  1. Install qemu-kvm (KVMGROUP=users sh qemu-kvm.SlackBuild).
  2. modprobe kvm_intel
  3. Create an image (qemu-img create -f qcow2 environment.img 50G). I named mine “environment.”
  4. Install the desired os (sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -hda environment.img -cdrom /home/sifer/slackware-13.1-install-dvd.iso \ -boot d -m 384). I needed another one to mess with the kernel.
  5. Run the newly installed os (sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -hda environment.img -m 512 -soundhw all -smp 4 -cpu host -no-acpi -snapshot -localtime -boot c -usb -usbdevice tablet -net [your network options here]).